Saturday, November 25, 2006

new event!!!

Secret Garden Bookshop in Ballard is having their 30th annual holiday author celebration, and I've been invited to be a part of the festivities! I'll be there to meet and greet, sign books, spread holiday book cheer, etc. Should be much fun; they are a terrific store.

It's all day next Saturday, December 2, and I'll be there from noon to one.

Secret Garden Bookshop
2214 NW Market Street / Seattle, WA 98107

Monday, November 20, 2006

OJ, the sequel: if they cancelled my book

Whoo-hoo! Breaking news from PW:

News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch has pulled the plug on the upcoming Regan Books title from O.J. Simpson, If I Did It. A tell-all of a different variety, the book, which was to be Simpson's outline of how he might have committed the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, was scheduled for release on November 30 and was to be accompanied by a two-part TV interview to air on Fox on November 27 and 29.

After the book was condemned by booksellers (many of whom said they would donate proceeds to the victims' families), media critics and even pundits from Fox News, News Corp. announced in a terse statement that the book and TV special have been dropped. Murdoch said: “I and senior management agree with the American public that this was an ill-considered project. We are sorry for any pain this has caused the families of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson.”

How fantastic! It was an ill-considered project. To say the least.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

miracle bag

So, I just found this on some celeb website, a quote from Tom Cruise (I was looking for pix of the TomKat wedding, but nothing yet) and couldn't resist sharing it with yall:

"Cruise also explained his philosophy of life includes enjoying everyday chores. He said: "I cannot lie and putrify in the sun. I love to work. I love nature. I love even mowing the lawn. I am safe: I can learn everything. Life is a miracle bag."


It's creepy, is what it is.

I would have preferred he said: "Life is a banana hammock."
Now that would have been funny. Creepy too, for sure, but at least funny at the same time.

if i did it

Haven't posted for a while because nothing is going on. At least not with the book. Things are going along swimmingly otherwise, but the big flurry of interviews, readings, jet-setting, hob-nobbing, etc. seems to have quieted down. Maybe it's the holidays coming up. Or maybe everyone is too excited about the new OJ book to bother with my little creation, since it's apparently small beans compared to the sensational not-really-a-confession-but-if-I-had-been-the-one-to-turn-my-wife-into-a-human-Pez-dispenser-this-is-how-I-may-have-done-it sort of story. I guess those are, sadly, much more interesting to the masses. They get the press. And will sell millions more copies than Beachglass ever will. Well...sales figures aside, I'd still rather be me than him. I don't want to write an "If I Did It" -- what would I write it about? If I did what? If I sold some more books, maybe. If I actually worked on my alleged second novel (more than the 25 bad pages I have so far). If I posted to my blog more often. If I got my Christmas shopping done early this year. If we got that new bathtub and re-tiled the bathroom floor. If I ironed. If I switched back to caffeinated coffee. If I wore socks with sandals like everyone else in Seattle. If I were a carpenter. If I could turn back time. If I cared about OJ writing a book about neck-slicing. The possibilities really are endless.

Hey, idea: OJ and Britney Spears could team up for a duet . . .
"Oops, if I did it again."