32 hours in LA
Yeah, I know I had originally said 37, but that was counting travel time. It was really only 32 hours on land. But I packed them as solid as I could, and only used 7 of them for sleeping. So the other 25? Let's see:
[Below:The Biltmore Bowl/SCBA trade show]
After getting settled in my room, changing out of airplane grubbies into something more appropo, and dining in the hotel ristorante, we (my agent Charlotte and I) took the boxes of my books down to the trade show--which was being held in the Biltmore Bowl. The Biltmore Bowl? Why does that sound familiar? Because it was the site of several of the first Academy Awards ceremonies, in the 1930s. That gave me pause. You know how rooms retain energy. Well. So here's a photo of that room, full of tables of books. I camped out there for 2 hours signing books, meeting booksellers, other writers, etc.
[Below: me, Charlotte; at
the Authors' Feast]
The Authors' Feast was the highlight of the day, where I got to break bread [and pumpkin/yam/ brown sugar soup, a Thanksgiving-themed dinner, and chololate-raspberry torts] with 300 of my closest friends. Awards were given, conversation was rich and exciting, laughter was abundant. Table 19 was quite lively. Toward the end of dessert, I did indeed waltz on over to sit by one of my writer-idols, Janet Fitch, and ask her to sign the copy of Paint It Black I'd been toting around all afternoon. We talked about books and writing and 'the process' as it were, and she was one of the nicest, most easy-to-talk-to people I met all weekend. I won't directly dis any of the other people I met, but let me just say, there are some whackos out there. Especially when you add a bottle (or three) of wine. But mostly I adored everyone I met, I hope I made some good connections, and I felt really honored to be in such great company. I got to spend time with my bud Debra Ginsberg, who a) so brilliantly edited Beachglass before it went to publishers and b) has her own novel coming out next week (called Blind Submission: go to www.debraginsberg.com). I also got to chat with Michael Walker, author of Laurel Canyon; and Amy Stewart, author of Flower Confidential; also met some very nice folks from Vroman's, Russo's, and Village Books; and for the first time in person got to connect with the St Martin's sales reps, Mike & Marshall. All really, really great people. In case I didn't go on enough, yes the Biltmore is super-swanky. Quite possibly the most gorgeous hotel in LA. Old-time, large-scale. Regal. Gargoyles, arches everywhere, flowers 5 feet tall, indoor palms against marble walls, grapevines carved into the pillars. Rugs for days. 40-foot ceilings. Here's a glimpse, though the photos don't do it any justice (you might be able to view them larger by clicking on them).
Then after it was all over we each got to claim our lovely parting gift: giant boxes of books! I teetered back to my room on my high heels with this carton that likely weighed as much as I do, and opened it while on the phone with hubby. It was like Christmas all over again: hardcover books, paperback books, children's books, books I've been wanting to read, books I would have bought soon anyway, books that aren't even out yet, books piled high all around me! Books, books, books! I was in heaven! Well, except for the few weird sci-fi/fantasy/freaky books, but those we can ebay. No offense. I fell asleep listening to the street sounds of downtown LA, sirens and the occasional random shout, a pile of new books by my bedside, a smile on my face.
THEN JUST WHEN I THOUGHT MY WEEKEND COULDN'T GET ANY COOLER, my oldest bestest friend Jenni picked me up the next morning, and we not only got to spend the day together (a perfect dry blue sunshiney 85-degree day I might add) but we had bagels & lox at the Bagel Broker and coffees from the Coffee Bean; and later, nasty greasy burritos from Dos Burritos on Hollywood Blvd. Jenni ordered in espanol: Burrito con frijoles y queso for me; I'm a purist. Same for her but con arroz. Carne asada and nachos for the rest of her fam. Giant Sprites: Sprites in white styrofoam cups the size of small children. Grease from the cheese coming through the papery tortilla and running down my wrists. Love sitting on the porch in the shade talking and sweating and watching the traffic on Franklin. Love the 101 through Hollywood, and Wilshire out of downtown. Even the drive to LAX was spectacular. The sunset through the plane window, brilliant. Landing at a wet 50-degree Sea-Tac airport, not so much...
Here are Jenni & me, and LA:

[Below:The Biltmore Bowl/SCBA trade show]

[Below: me, Charlotte; at

The Authors' Feast was the highlight of the day, where I got to break bread [and pumpkin/yam/ brown sugar soup, a Thanksgiving-themed dinner, and chololate-raspberry torts] with 300 of my closest friends. Awards were given, conversation was rich and exciting, laughter was abundant. Table 19 was quite lively. Toward the end of dessert, I did indeed waltz on over to sit by one of my writer-idols, Janet Fitch, and ask her to sign the copy of Paint It Black I'd been toting around all afternoon. We talked about books and writing and 'the process' as it were, and she was one of the nicest, most easy-to-talk-to people I met all weekend. I won't directly dis any of the other people I met, but let me just say, there are some whackos out there. Especially when you add a bottle (or three) of wine. But mostly I adored everyone I met, I hope I made some good connections, and I felt really honored to be in such great company. I got to spend time with my bud Debra Ginsberg, who a) so brilliantly edited Beachglass before it went to publishers and b) has her own novel coming out next week (called Blind Submission: go to www.debraginsberg.com). I also got to chat with Michael Walker, author of Laurel Canyon; and Amy Stewart, author of Flower Confidential; also met some very nice folks from Vroman's, Russo's, and Village Books; and for the first time in person got to connect with the St Martin's sales reps, Mike & Marshall. All really, really great people. In case I didn't go on enough, yes the Biltmore is super-swanky. Quite possibly the most gorgeous hotel in LA. Old-time, large-scale. Regal. Gargoyles, arches everywhere, flowers 5 feet tall, indoor palms against marble walls, grapevines carved into the pillars. Rugs for days. 40-foot ceilings. Here's a glimpse, though the photos don't do it any justice (you might be able to view them larger by clicking on them).
Then after it was all over we each got to claim our lovely parting gift: giant boxes of books! I teetered back to my room on my high heels with this carton that likely weighed as much as I do, and opened it while on the phone with hubby. It was like Christmas all over again: hardcover books, paperback books, children's books, books I've been wanting to read, books I would have bought soon anyway, books that aren't even out yet, books piled high all around me! Books, books, books! I was in heaven! Well, except for the few weird sci-fi/fantasy/freaky books, but those we can ebay. No offense. I fell asleep listening to the street sounds of downtown LA, sirens and the occasional random shout, a pile of new books by my bedside, a smile on my face.
THEN JUST WHEN I THOUGHT MY WEEKEND COULDN'T GET ANY COOLER, my oldest bestest friend Jenni picked me up the next morning, and we not only got to spend the day together (a perfect dry blue sunshiney 85-degree day I might add) but we had bagels & lox at the Bagel Broker and coffees from the Coffee Bean; and later, nasty greasy burritos from Dos Burritos on Hollywood Blvd. Jenni ordered in espanol: Burrito con frijoles y queso for me; I'm a purist. Same for her but con arroz. Carne asada and nachos for the rest of her fam. Giant Sprites: Sprites in white styrofoam cups the size of small children. Grease from the cheese coming through the papery tortilla and running down my wrists. Love sitting on the porch in the shade talking and sweating and watching the traffic on Franklin. Love the 101 through Hollywood, and Wilshire out of downtown. Even the drive to LAX was spectacular. The sunset through the plane window, brilliant. Landing at a wet 50-degree Sea-Tac airport, not so much...
Here are Jenni & me, and LA:

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