Saturday, October 14, 2006

new quote for the trade paperback version

It's one thing to get cool quotes for your book jacket; it's another to get cool quotes from authors whose books you've really loved...
A few weeks back I took a chance and sent a note to Martha O'Connor (see asking if she might consider reading Beachglass and providing us with a quote for the trade paper version (to be released in May 2007). We have the same publisher and publicist, after all. Lo and behold, she read and loved the book, and sent me this gem:

"With richly textured scenes and characters, Wendy Blackburn's debut novel explores the fragile world of addiction, recovery, and loss. She navigates this tough territory effortlessly and with the clear-headed vision of one who's been there. Delicately portraying friendship and loss, temptation and redemption, the turmoil of addiction and the hard-won gifts of recovery, BEACHGLASS is highly recommended for every reader--and required reading for all those in recovery. You know how they tell you "Don't leave the meeting five minutes before the miracle happens?" Well, don't leave the bookstore without BEACHGLASS in your hand. It's a miracle on the page. Kudos to Wendy Blackburn; I read this book in two days, and I'll be watching for her next."

She signed off with, "Thanks for the gift of your book. It was very moving. "

And I am very honored. It looks like this one (shortened just a touch in the interest of design, space, and potential-customer attention-span) will go on the front of the book.

There are two other authors I hope to acquire quotes from; I feel like I'm seven years old and writing to Shaun Cassidy -- but this time people are writing back.


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